
Luhuitou Peninsula

Luhuitou, located about 5 kilometers away from the city, is a peninsula in the Sanya Bay. Luhuitou Park is located on a hill near the seashore about 3 kilometers south of Sanya. The name Luhuitou (a deer tuing its head back) is derived from a very moving love story. A long time ago, a tyrant ruler wanted a pair of hairy deer hos, so he forced a young man of the Li ethnicity named Ahei to hunt for deer on the mountains. Once, when Ahei was hunting, he saw a beautiful spotted deer chased by a panther. He shot the panther with his arrow and chased after the deer for nine days and nine nights. They finally arrived at the Coral Cliff of Sanya after passing 99 hills. The deer was trapped and can only jump into the sea to escape from Ahei. As Ahei prepares to shoot the deer, the deer suddenly transforms into a beautiful girl. Ahei and the girl fell in love and married. Then the girl gathered her brothers to defeat the tyrant and lived out her life on the cliff. After much hard work, they built the Coral Cliff into a beautiful and thriving farm. From then on, this hill was called Luhuitou. Today, there is a charming park on the top of the Luhuitou along with a huge sculpture about 9 meters long, 4.9 meters wide and 12 meters high, which was built to honor this legend. The city is also nicknamed "Deer City".
From the hill, you can see an excellent panoramic view of the vast sea, the rolling mountains and downtown Sanya. Inside the Park, there are winding paths, Halley's Comet observation station, white wave-listening pavilion, red Guanghai kiosk, and the lover's island, Monkey Mountain, Deer House, Hut of Li People, Turtle's Heaven and the Immortal Pond. You can also try the red coconut, a special kind of coconut, which this area is famous for.
The Luhuitou Bay is at the foot of the Luhuitou Mountain where you can enjoy seeing all kinds of tropical fish and corals.

