
Luhuitou Peninsula

Luhuitou, located about 5 kilometers away from the city, is a peninsula in the Sanya Bay. Luhuitou Park is located on a hill near the seashore about 3 kilometers south of Sanya. The name Luhuitou (a deer tuing its head back) is derived from a very moving love story. A long time ago, a tyrant ruler wanted a pair of hairy deer hos, so he forced a young man of the Li ethnicity named Ahei to hunt for deer on the mountains. Once, when Ahei was hunting, he saw a beautiful spotted deer chased by a panther. He shot the panther with his arrow and chased after the deer for nine days and nine nights. They finally arrived at the Coral Cliff of Sanya after passing 99 hills. The deer was trapped and can only jump into the sea to escape from Ahei. As Ahei prepares to shoot the deer, the deer suddenly transforms into a beautiful girl. Ahei and the girl fell in love and married. Then the girl gathered her brothers to defeat the tyrant and lived out her life on the cliff. After much hard work, they built the Coral Cliff into a beautiful and thriving farm. From then on, this hill was called Luhuitou. Today, there is a charming park on the top of the Luhuitou along with a huge sculpture about 9 meters long, 4.9 meters wide and 12 meters high, which was built to honor this legend. The city is also nicknamed "Deer City".
From the hill, you can see an excellent panoramic view of the vast sea, the rolling mountains and downtown Sanya. Inside the Park, there are winding paths, Halley's Comet observation station, white wave-listening pavilion, red Guanghai kiosk, and the lover's island, Monkey Mountain, Deer House, Hut of Li People, Turtle's Heaven and the Immortal Pond. You can also try the red coconut, a special kind of coconut, which this area is famous for.
The Luhuitou Bay is at the foot of the Luhuitou Mountain where you can enjoy seeing all kinds of tropical fish and corals.


Nanshan Temple

Nanshan Temple, located 40 kilometers west of Sanya is the most famous temple in Hai'nan. It occupies nearly 400 acres on a mountain over 500 meters tall. The area is especially beautiful because it is surrounded by clouds all year round. The temple has great views of the mountains and hills to its east and west and the Nanhai Sea to the south. Nanshan, the mountain to the temple's south is known to represent longevity according to Chinese mythology.


Dadonghia, located 3 kilometers (about 1.9 miles) southeast of downtown Sanya, between Mt. Tuziwei and Mt. Luhuitou, is one of the most popular tropical seaside vacation areas of Hainan Province. This 2.3 kilometer (about 1.4 miles) stretch of crescent-shaped beach offers the glimmering ocean, warm sunshine, white sand and green trees in the Torrid Zone.
This area is great for water activities such as diving, beach sports, bathing and sunbathing. It has everything that makes a great seaside tourist area from great beaches to large shopping squares to entertainment venues. There is a famous diving company that can provide you with scuba diving, ship diving, seabed strolling, speed boat, motorboat, luxury yacht, sail boat, ocean fishing, beach sports and underwater photography. All the activities are well-supervised and perfectly safe. The water temperature here is about 20C degrees even in winter, making it a popular spot to enjoy Hainan's beaches.
The several shopping areas here include the largest Sanya-Ruihai Shopping Park. There is also the Dadonghai Pearl Square, Tropical Rain Forest Square, Seashore Lovers Road and Seafood Barbecue Square. The Seashore Park, about 300 meters (about 328 yards) east along the beach, sits atop a small mountain where you can have a panoramic view of the beach.

Recommend Tours:
1 Day Sanya Private Tour

2 Days Sanya Standard Tour


Asian Dragon Bay

Yalong Bay is a 7.5-kilometer (4.7- mile) long, crescent-shaped bay with an area of 18.6 square kilometers (about 7.2 square miles) and is not only one of the most famous beaches in Hainan province but also in Asia. It is located in the south most part of Hainan Province about 25 kilometers away from the popular tourist city of Sanya. It has an average temperature of 25.5C all year round creating a comfortable tropical climate for vacationers from all over the world.
You would have to be there to appreciate the rolling hills, serene waters, clear waters and fine grained sand. There are also well-preserved coral reefs filled with tropical fish of various colors and shapes. The water here is so clear that you can see up to 10 meters (33 feet) deep!
Yalong Bay has the essentials of a relaxing vacation spot with beautiful seas, sands, sunshine, lush green plants and fresh air.
Yalong Bay Resort was authorized by the State Council in 1992 as a great place to vacation. This unique and relaxing resort features seaside parks, deluxe villas, conference centers, top-end hotels, golf-courses and much more. Because of the beauty of the environment and the mode tourist facilities, thousands of tourists have come to this idyllic place for their vacations. It's also a very popular location for conferences and competitions such as the New Silk Road Model Look China.
At the center of Yalong Bay Square stands a Totem Pole of 27 meters (about 88.6 feet), on which the Gods of Sun, Wind, Rain, and Thunder as well as animals such as Dragon, Phoenix, Kylin and Fish are carved. The design of this square dates back 5,000 years ago and has been awarded the Luban Prize for the best architecture in China. At the center of the resort, there is also another square, Shell Hall of Yalong Bay, about 3,000 square meters (about 3,558 square yards). This square is filled with shops and exhibits of interesting native handicrafts with seashells as the theme.
North of Yalong Bay lies Butterfly Valley, which is consists of five halls exhibiting most precious and unique species of butterflies from China as well as many other countries.
Tips: Be sure to sample the unique seafood and don't miss the crystal and pearl oaments.

Recommend Tour:
5 Days Sanya Tour

Fayu Temple

The Fayu Temple, also named Hou Temple, is located on the left top of the Baihua Hill. It is 2.8 kilometers away from the Puji Temple and is one of the three biggest temples on Mt. Putuo.
The temple was built in 1580 during the Ming Dynasty, and it covers an area of 33,408 square meters with 294 palaces that have been preserved.
Potential take the mountain temples and the whole temple is arranged on the six various levels.
From the gate of the hill, the layers ascend one by one. And on the central axis there is the Hall of Heavenly King, and then at the back is the Hall of Jade Buddha. Between the two halls, there is the Bell Tower, and then the Guanyin Hall, the Yubei Hall, the Great Buddha's Hall, the depositary of Buddhist sutra, and the Abbot Hall are behind. Besides, the Guanyin Hall is also called the Hall of Nine Dragons, famous for its delicate and vivid carving.
The Hall of Avalokitesvara is also called Hall of Nine Dragons as carved exquisitely and vividly on the walls of the hall are nine dragons.

Recommend Tours:
3 Days Putuoshan Discovery Tour
4 Days Putuoshan Luxury Tour


Huiji Temple

Huiji Temple, located on the top of the Foding Hill of Mt. Putuo, is one of the three biggest temples in Mt. Putuo. Firstly it was a Buddhist convent inside which there is a statue of Buddha, and then it was built as a temple in the 58th year (1793 AD) of Emperor Qianlong's reign of the Qing Dynasty by the shaman Nengji.
The floor area of the temple is more than 20 mu, and the building area is 5,500 square meters. The layout of the temple is irregular, but has the characteristic style of gardens in South China. And the temple is surrounded by many ancient trees and some of them are rare valuable plants for viewing and admiring. Besides, in the southeast there is the Baihua Peak, and from its southern cliff you can see the four big characters "Buddhist Country of Sea and Heaven", which are inscribed on the hill.

Puji Temple

Puji Temple, known as ''Qian Si'', is situated on the top of the Baihua Peak, the south of the Mt. Lingjiu. It is one of the three biggest temples on Mt. Putuo. And it was built in the 3rd year (1080 AD) of Emperor Yuanfeng's reign during the Song Dynasty.
The floor area of the temple is about 26,000 square meters and it sits in the north facing the south.
Along the central axis there are the Yubei Hall, the Hall of Heavenly King, the Hall of Yuantong, which is the main hall of the temple and the most important hall for the whole Mt. Putuo, the depository of Buddhist texts, and the Hall of Abbot, and so on. Besides, near the main hall there is the Bell Tower, the Drum Tower, and the guest rooms, and so on. In addition, there are also nearly 200 halls, pavilions and rooms. There is also a pond, known as ''Fangsheng Chi'', in the front of the temple, which is named Haiying Pond.

Recommend Tours:
3 Days Putuoshan Discovery Tour
4 Days Putuoshan Luxury Tour


Purple Mountain Observatory

The Purple Mountain Observatory, located on Tianbo Peak of east Zijinshan (purple Mountain), is the first mode observatory in China. It was built in 1928 with the Zijinshan Observatory of China Academy of Sciences built later. Other than the necessary scientific instruments, there are also some ancient astronomical instruments such as the Celestial Globe and Armillary Sphere from the Ming Dynasty. This attraction is educational and especially suited for those with an interest in astronomy!


Qin Huai River

The Qinhuai River, a branch of lower Yangtze River, is the "mother river" to the Nanjing people. The river breaks into two branches called Inteal Qinhuai River and Exteal Qinhuai River.
The inteal Qinhuai River is the highlight of the Qinhuai Scenic Zone. The Confucius Temple area is by far the most worth visiting.

Recommend Tour:
3 Days Nanjing Discovery Tour


Presidential Palace

An outing to the Presidential Palace is a great way to spend a day exploring the seat of past emperors and the Nationalist govement. The site includes the offices and residences of many top govemental officials, such as Chang Kai-shek and Sun Yat-sen. The informational placards and site descriptions are printed in four languages.
The Presidential Palace used to be the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Hong Xiuquan's Imperial Palace. Later, it was but down by the Qing Dynasty Army, with only the West Garden left standing. Dr Sun Yat-sen took the post of interim president at this site, and the presidential office building still remains. Before 1949, during the period of the Republic of China, it was used as the presidential palace. Today it is used as the seat of the Jiangsu People's Political Consultative Conference.

Xuanwu Lake

Xuanwu Lake, located at the foot of Mt. Zhongshan in Nanjing, is a beautiful scenic area under govement protection. It is also one of the most famous lakes in Nanjing and is surrounded by Circumvallation, Mt. Jiuhua and Jiming Temple.
The history of Xuanwu Lake dates back to the Pre-Qin period (21century BC-221 BC). The name of the lake was changed several times during its long history. The name Xuanwu comes from the legend that there is a black dragon below the lake.
There are five isles in the lake: Huan Isle, Ying Isle, Liang Isle, Cui Isle and Ling Isle. On Huan Isle, the leaves of the willow trees sway gently as the breeze sweeps across your face. Nuona Tower on the island offers peaceful retreat. The Ying Isle is famous for its cherry blossoms, which tus the lake fragrant during the spring. There is also the Lotus Garden on this isle. Liang Isle is the oldest isle and is the location of the annual grand exhibition of Chrysanthemums as well as the Hushen temple. On Cui Isle, there are dark green pines, emerald cypresses, poetic willows, and tall bamboos. The Ling Isle gives a great view of the mountains. Here, Wumiao Zha is a historical structure that is worth visiting.

Recommend Tour:
3 Days Nanjing Discovery Tour


Confucius Temple

The Confucius Temple, located on the north bank of the Qinhuai River, was originally erected during the Song Dynasty. All around the temple there are numerous souvenir shops, snack bars, restaurants and entertainment venues housed in Ming and Qing dynasty architecture.
The temple is not very unique but the specially designed leisure area nearby is a lot of fun and a great way to spend a few hours. In the evenings, it is even more exciting with street vendors selling bargain goods.
This temple is considered to be one of the most well preserved temples built during the Song dynasty's great Confucian revival period. The temple was expanded and made into a school for children of imperial court officials during the Ming dynasty. In fact, the buildings beside the temple that are now tourist shops were once study rooms for young Confucian scholars.
In front of the temple, flows the Qinhuai River and near it, there is a 110-meter-long stone wall that can be seen when crossing the bridge in front of the temple.

Nanjing Museum

The Nanjing Museum, located inside the Zhongshan Gate of Nanjing, is a complex of buildings that is modeled after Liao dynasty palace. There are 400,000 artifacts in the museum's various collections, some of which are very precious to China's history such as the set of jade suit sewed with silver thread. Some of the amazing artifacts come from the excavation of Chu State tomb from the Warring States period of Chinese history.
One of the highlights of the museum would be the calligraphy and painting collections. Out of about 100,000 pieces of work in these collections, most are from the Jiangsu area during the Ming- and Qing-dynasties such as 'Wu Men painting school','Yangzhou painting school', and 'Jinling painting school'. Most of the works of the modem Chinese painter Fu Baoshi (1904-1965, painter, art historian) and Chen Zhifo (1896-1962, mode arts educator) are displayed here.
The Nanjing Museum also holds the objects excavated during the early part of the twentieth century. These include excavations in Heilongjiang, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Sichuan, Gansu and other places. Collections also include artifacts from the southwest parts of China of the Naxi tribe, the Yi tribe, the Miao tribe, and other Chinese minorities.


Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum

This tomb of Zhu Yuanzhang (1328-98), founder of Ming dynasty, is the model for Ming and Qing dynasty emperors in Beijing. Zhu Yuanzhang is the only Ming dynasty emperor to be buried in Nanjing. UNESCO recently funded its renovations and touchups and made the site a World Heritage Site. However, the tomb descriptions still remain only in Chinese. The tomb sits in the Ming Tower, a rectangular tower in the main part of the tomb. One of the other main buildings at the mausoleum, the Sacrificial Palace, was built in 1383 and houses memorial tablets.
Near the tomb, there a walkway half a kilometer long called Shixiang Lu and is filled with stone carvings of animals and soldiers. The walkway leads to the Four Square Pavilion, which hold a tall stone tablet from 1413. The 2,000 characters on the tablet tell the life story of emperor ZhYuanzhang and were written by his son Zhu Di.
There is a Dismounting Archway at the entrance to the mausoleum where visitors in the old days will dismount from their houses or cars to show respect. This historic site is a lot quieter than Sun Yatsen's Mausoleum with a lot less tourists.

Recommand Tours:
3 Days Nanjing Discovery Tour
2 Days Nanjing Standard Tour


Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum, located in the Zhong Mountain Scenic Area in the east Nanjing city suburbs, covers an area of 80,000 square meters (about 20 acres). Dr. Sun Yat-sen, is regarded as the father of the modern China and thus, his Mausoleum is a gathering place for Chinese tourists to pay their respects. The mausoleum offers beautiful scenery and architecture with an air of historical importance.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), a great forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution, led the overthrow of the Qing dynasty(1644-1911) ending 2,000 years of Feudal monarchy. Even though Dr. Sun died in Beijing in 1925, his remains were not brought to Nanjing until 1929 after his mausoleum was complete. In 1912, Dr. Sun expressed his wish to be buried here to his friends while hunting in Zijin Shan.
There is a white marble statue of Dr. Sun sitting under a mosaic roof in the memorial hall at the top of 392 steps. The Republican government's constitution is inscribed on the side walls. Dr.Sun's marble coffin sits in the domed hall to the back facing south with view of the mountains. This mausoleum's structure is one of the most celebrated structures in China today.
Around the Mausoleum there are memorial buildings such as the Zhengqi Pavilion, Open-air Music Hall, Waxwork Home of Democratic Revolution and the Sun Yat-sen Museum. On the way down from the mausoleum, you can see a great view of downtown Nanjing and the surrounding greenery. Since this place is so famous, it does become quite crowded all year round.


Shopping in Guilin

As a well-developed tourist city, from the expensive jewelry to cheap headgear, from unique local products to flavor snacks, you can buy it in Guilin. Guilin has many well-know local products include pomelo, Valencia orange, mangosteen, ginkgo, Lipu-taro etc, and Guangxi embroidery, comb, Paper umbrella, Hand-painted-style screens for your choice. In any case, come to Guilin, the “Guilin Three Treasures” are the must to buy.

Central Square
Guilin Central Square, close to Zhongshan Road, near the Cedar Lake, Banyan Lake, and Lijiang River, is known as “the living room of Guilin”. On the square erects the stone of “East or west, Guilin landscape is best” and the “Guilin Declaration” of Parliamentary Assembly of Asia-Pacific Environment and Development. The basement of central square is the largest underground commercial street integrated in supermarket, sports city, souvenir and general merchandise in one. Hundreds of commercial stores assemble there, engaged in clothing, footwear, cosmetics and so on. The funning is that you can bargain with seller and get the products with best price.

Smile Hall
Smile hall, located in Zhongshan Road with total construction area of 51,000 square meters, is one of the largest integrated shopping malls in Guangxi province. The main operating range includes department store, retail, cultural entertainment and dinig. The decoration of building is spacious and luxurious, with completed facilities include central air condition and 2 sightseeing and two-way elevators to supply the elegant and comfortable shopping environment to every visitor. It's have to say that the native products on the upstairs are worthy of a careful selection and the seller allow you taste in advance such as Guilin water chestnut, Lipu-taro, Guilin bamboo, pomelo etc.

Guilin Department Store
Guilin department store, located at No 122 of Guilin road, is the first state-owned shopping mall in Guilin with long history. In the building, display the variety of products from around the country, and an ideal shopping place for public and tourists.

Zhengyang Walking Street
In the early of 2001, following with the transformation complete, Zhengyang Street becomes the first modern walking street in Guilin.
Today, it's the characteristics walking street which integrates the business, catering, entertainment and local culture as a whole, and the good place for shopping, leisure and nightlife.
On the 666 meters street, entertainment, restaurants and even clothing stores are open to 23:00 often, or so even to the next morning on busy season. In the hot summer, many local persons and tourists change their shopping and activity time to evening, there evolved into the night market. Now, it's renowned as the “First Street in West China” by Chinese and foreign tourists.

Shopping in Hong Kong

Shopping in Hong Kong, regardless of price, variety or services, is the highest range in the world. As a free port, most of products don't impose duties, the prices is lower than other places and well-known as “Shopping Paradise”. Meanwhile, many seasonal sales promotions can benefit the visitors, so it's sure that you can enjoy shopping at Hong Kong.

Central district, the heart of Hong Kong Island, is not only the center of commercial, financial and banking, but also the center of government and political power. Both of the SAR Government Secretariat and the Legislative Council Building are located at there.
The HSBC Bank - the winner of Building Design Award, and the Bank of China Tower - the unique design building are the most attractive landmarks; brand-name boutiques and large department stores showing the luxury of this district.
Central district is one of the most famous shopping center in Hong Kong. Lots of name brand flagship stores distribute on the Des Voeux road and Queen's road, and there are lots of large shopping malls such as The Landmark, Central, Pedder line, Prince's building, Jia-xuan Plaza, New World Tower and Lane Crawford department store.
In recent years, a number of the new, distinctive fashion shops are opened in Wyndham and Lan street, and the Hollywood road area, sale of antiques, has been selected as one of the top ten shopping street in the world. Any kinds of shops and well-known brands of the world can be found here.

Pacific Place
Pacific Place, at the heart of Hong Kong, located in Admiralty MTR Station, which is a transportation hub and transit point for Hongk Kong and Kowloon. It's also the poly-foot point for socialite and young talent, the essence of plaza is at third floor. Like as the famous shoppes avenue, the Pacific place assembles the international brand-name fashion, antiques collection and advanced luxury boutique.
It's hard to say no to a series of brand such as LV、CD、Gucci、Prada、Chanel、Cartier、Burberry、Tiffany&Co、Celine、Hermes etc. The customers who prefer to buy brand-name but worried about the counterfeit can purchase safely at there.
If you are tired in strolling, come to Cova café, where located in the center of mall with elegant environment, and have a site is the good idea. In other, each floor settle the characteristics restaurants providing the United States, France, Italy, Japan, Thailand, Guangdong, Beijing and Shanghai cuisine, or food court of the “Hong Kong Seibu” supply the fast food to tourists.

Causeway Bay
Causeway bay, located in the north of Hong Kong Island, is one of the most important shooing area and thriving business center. This area assembles lots of shopping malls, department stores in Japanese-owned and hotels. The shopping site is renowned with Time Square, Sogo Department Store, Lee Park, and all the most famous brand names, fashions, jewelry, furniture and electrical appliance can be found at there. All the high-grade fashion goods can be founded, DKNY, b+ab, Tsumori Chisato, Gomme and other youth apparel will make you fall in love within one eye.
Many restaurants distribute in the street, gathering different types of Chinese and Western food, the famous places include Jardine's Bazaar, Lockhart road and Lee Garden road. You have a wide range of choices in Beijing and Shanghai dishes, Vietnamese snacks, desserts, special private kitchens etc.
In addition, the Causeway Bay has a number of cinemas, KTV and other entertainment facilities, and many shops open all night, so that it became a very busy area also the most welcomed place for Hong Kong young people.

Tung Choi Street-Women's Street
Women's street is an open-air stalls street, and it's worthy of night market after 7pm every day. More than 500 stalls spread out every afternoon, and most of them are hawking kinds of cheap commodities. Among these commodities, 50% is the cheap ladies supplies, such as fashion, jewelry, cosmetics, socks and underwear etc, so it got the name “Women's Street”. Besides the open-air stalls, there are small shops selling daily necessities on both sides. If you can find the “Qiu Ji” which operating for ten years, you will be able to buy the popular Vietnamese embroidered shoes. In recent years, on both sides opened a lot of food markets which are targeted at young customers with low price and style in new characteristic and Japanese dishes. However, the spaces of stall is limited, so it's have to wait 15 to 20 minutes if you want to taste it.

Temple Street- Men Street
Temple Street, divided into north and south sections, named for near Tin Hau Temple, is a famous night market in Hong Kong.
Since settling lots of male clothing stalls, it's also known as “Men Street”. Here, there is a wide variety of cheap goods to sell, no matter Pop-star's picture or China's Yixing teapots.
After the 5:00pm, the street is filled with the stalls which sell all kinds of goods with low price and good quality. Similarly, it's full of the snacks stalls which supply the local cuisine, such as seafood, hotpot, grilled marinated lamb string, burnt sausages and noodles ect.
At night, you will find more unexpected stalls, such as Chinese opera performances, fortune telling, Qigong, drugs ect. Each visitors come there will be able to experience the culture and customs of Hong Kong.


Shopping in Shanghai

For tourists, Shanghai is a world-famous “commercial city”, with the stores next to stores and eyeful of goods to meet the needs of different levels at home abroad. As the country's commercial center, its goods are well known for good brand, high-quality, various kinds and entire model.

Nanjing Road
Nanjing Road, the first business street of China, is length of 5.5kms from north to south, with the entrance at bund of Huangpu River, exits at Jing'an Temple. Nanjing Road is the earliest commercial street after Shanghai opening the port. Comply with the growing up of five global department stores “Yongan”, ”Xianshi”, “Xinxin”, “Daxin” and “Chinese Products”, it becomes the most bustling comprehensive commercial street in Shanghai.

Huaihai Road
Huaihai road is called the France Champs, also as the shopping paradise be equal to Nanjing Road.
Huaihai road, total length of about 6 km, was divided into eastern, central and western three sections. The most prosperous section is about 2.2 km length from Shangxi road to Tibet road. Huaihai road used to be the French concession, on both sides of wide, straight streets, planting the London plane trees, in an extreme European style. It has more then 400 shops, mainly selling middle and high range products and attracting more than 1 million persons per day. In addition, it's an elegant and cultural street, the famous Sun Yat-sen's former residence, Soong Ching Ling's former residence and Zhou Residence are located on this street or adjacent to it.

Yuyuan Commercial City
Yuyuan commercial city is located at the Chenghuang temple market which is at the south of Yuyuan Garden. Form the year of 1991, the original Chenghuang temple market was converted into a modern large-scale tourism and shopping center – Yuyuan commercial city.
The road in the commercial city is narrow and most of building built in before 1911, in an ancient Chinese architectural style. The small shops distributed in the mall, merchandise dazzling and bustling with customers, which maintains the outlook of China's ancient cities and towns. It totally has more than 50 stores with professional characteristics and sell over 1200 kinds of commodities in commercial city, certainly the “Commodity Kingdom”. The street of small commodity collects the traditional characteristics shop, fully reflects the operating feature of “small, local, unique, famous and superior”. No matter Chinese or foreigners tourists come to shanghai will have a visiting at Yuyuan Commercial City.

Dongtai Road Antique Street
Dongtai Road Antique Street, located in the interchange of Liuhe road and Dongtai road, is a specialty street engaged in old crafts with high reputation at home and abroad, also known as the “azure stone factory” of Shanghai. The antique market main locates in the section from Chongde road to Fuxing road.
At present, the market has more than 100 shops and most of shops are small in shape. However, the decoration of each shop is unique and in their own style. The major commodities are old crafts, including porcelain, jade, bronze, wood, calligraphy and painting, four treasures of study and other miscellaneous pieces. Besides, there are cages, clothing, coins, month card in thirty century, fans, lighters, three inch golden lotus and so on.

New Shanghai Commercial City
New Shanghai Commercial City, with a total construction area of 3.8 million square meters, is the comprehensive business center integrated shopping, dining, tourism, entertainment, leisure and other functions. It's located in the middle of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone of Pudong, east to Laoshan East road, south to Zhangyang road, west to Pudong South road and north to Shangcheng road. The center part is green square, outside is 600 meters walking street with surrounded by 16 different styles of high buildings. The size, facilities and functions of the commercial city should be the first in Asia, and occupies the same leading position with Nanjing road and the Bund.
It's total have 18 commercial buildings in New Shanghai Commercial City, include No,1 Yaohan, Sanxin commercial world, Huacheng commercial, Fuxing building and so on. Now it has formed the four major trades in business, catering, entertainment and finance; four major markets of operating contents in general merchandise, computers, home appliances and building materials; 15 catering industries composed the food heaven. The daily average volume of commuters reach 100 thousand and 200 thousand in weekend, with annual sales revenue reach 2 billion yuan take up 10% of total retail sales of Pudong district.

Shopping in Xi'an

Xi'an, as one of the major cities in northwest China, economic grows rapidly, and the commercial industry gets the development at the same time. In the city, there are many large shopping malls, department stores and supermarkets which mainly located in Jiefang Road, East Street and South Street. Certainly, there are many cultural relics stores as Classes Door Street and antique market where you can buy the copies of terracotta warriors and horses, crafts of Tang dynasty, as well as paper cutting, sewing and other folk crafts.

Xi'an Maison Mode
Xi'an Maison Mode is the famous high-grade shopping mall, where collect the many luxury brands of the world. The shopping mall is located in the first and second floor and basement of Chang'an International Center. The first floor sell the first-line clothing, watches, glasses, jewelry, perfume and others, the main brands include GUCCI、ZEGNA、FENDI、MONTBLANC、CHAPORD、 BALLY、DUNHILL、PAUL&SHARK、PORTS、GIEVES&HAWKES、AGATHA、GROSS、SWAROVSKI etc. In addition, the “dreamed fragrance world” would be an attraction in the first floor, where have the most complete brands and single species. A variety of limited and memorial edition fragrance of international brands will be released simultaneously with Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing.
The basement is main selling the youth and fashion brand in pure European style, business casual apparel and leisure clothing, with the target customers are young man. City life, mainly engaged in imported food, household appliances, kitchen, stationery, men and women care, high-grade gift and so on.

West Street
West Street is a famous characteristic commercial street also the only one street constructed in all-Tang-style.
The name of “West Street” first appeared in Ming dynasty with 400 years history by now, which is the street using for traditional commodity trading, tourism and leisure. From the year of 2001, the west street was reconstructed for 4 years. The renewed street long 2088 meters, in Tang dynasty architectural style, total construction area comes to 700 thousand square meters. On both sides, distribute the nine landscape plaza representative with “West plaza of Drum Tower “, it comes into the antique street engaged in shopping, dining and entertainment.
At present, the west street already inhabits the commercial branch store of 10 major brand, such as Trust-Mart supermarket, Times Square, Parkson Shopping Center, Lady Street, Chinatown etc. Also, it collect many financial institutions include Bank of East Asia, China Everbright Bank, China Merchants Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank and so on.

Chinese Classes Door
Chinese Classes Door named in the “Guanzhong Classes”, which is the highest educational institution of Shanxi province in Ming and Qing dynasties, also one of the four famous Classes. Classes door commercial street, rich in cultural atmosphere, is the ideal place for communicate with art crafts. The road is paved by stones, the construction is built in style of Ming and Qing dynasties, and more than 100 shops assembled at there, the goods include rubbings, celebrity calligraphy and painting, seal, four treasures for learning and so on. Besides, the jade selling at there, are from the Lantian country. Lantian Jade is one of the famous jade in China and the mining to it never stopped from the ancient times to now.

As many universities locate around, here is the shopping paradise for young people and the forefront of popular trend. Xiaozhai is not only a comprehensive commercial district integrated the big-scale shopping malls, department stores and special shop, but also the good place for entertainment and eating.

Changle Road
Changle Road is a famous fair-price shopping street in Xi'an, where assemble the Kangfu road, light industrial and wholesale square, Duocai, Yiwu small commodity shopping market, Wool city, East China and other low-price shopping market. It’s really a shopping paradise for civilian.


Shopping in Beijing

As an ancient capital, Beijing gathered the craftsmen from different places, so the arts and crafts of Beijing embody the essence of China. Shopping in Beijing, the first choice is crafts and ancient heritage with oriental features and “sense of Beijing”. In addition, the typical local foods are variety of preserved fruits and snacks, and the Chinese medicine tonics are also very authentic.

Xidan Shopping Street is one of the most famous traditional business district. So many merchants and customers gathered at there with the average volume of commuters more than 200,000 per day, which directly promote the popularity of the street. The involved industry include: general merchandise, restaurants, entertainment, finance and others. It occupies the indispensable position in Beijing's retail business.
Currently, there are a series morden shopping malls and department stores as Xidan Department Store, Xidan Shopping Center, Xidan Scitech Shopping Mall and Zhongyou Department Store and many “time honored shop” as “daoxiangcun” grocery store, “thousands miles” shoe store, “Yuang Chang-hou” tea house and others.
Beijing Book Building is a gathering place for the capital's bookworms. In addition, Beijing Xidan Cultural Square, total construction area of 3.5 million square meters, is the comprehensive venues integrating the leisure, entertainment and shopping. At the center of Commercial Street is leisure plaza, where equipped restaurants, markets, cinemas, bowling alley, swimming pool, rock climbing, and the largest mirror palace in ground floor. It's out of question that it becomes the largest cultural and entertainment center along the side of Chang'an Avenue.
Xidan, retail-business oriented, develop the mating services at the same time. It sale the middle and high goods, highlighted character of the “special” and “full”, to meet the customer needs from all stratums.

Wangfujing, refers to the Wangfujing Avenue, is the most famous business district of Beijing with location at south from East Chang'an Avenue, north to the China Art Gallery, full-length 3 mile.
At there, it's really an eyeful of goodies, selling commodities include daily necessities, hardware, garments, jewelry diamonds, gold and silver. The daily amount of procurements and sales are significant, well known as bring a bucket gold per day. Enter form the south enterance, it's the view of intensive shop sign, next to stores and crowded persons. Persons enter this street are more than one million daily, Wangfujing is welcoming all the customers form home and abroad.

Maliandao Tea Street
Maliandao Tea Street specialized in tea procurement and sales. On the 1500 meters length street, settle the one hundred tea stores and five tea cities. It gather the main famous and high quality tea from Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui, Yunnan, Guizhou and other major tea growing area, with annual sales revenue of 10 billion yuan. It's the most distribution center in north region and takes up the tenth of the national sales volume.

Silk Street
As the China's earliest free market and most famous commercial brands, Silk Street already have the three decades history. In the 29th Olympic Games, the renewed Silk Street does the main reception market for foreign guests sightseeing and shopping and develop into the international influential market for tourism and shopping together with the Great Wall and Forbidden City. The average volume of commuters achieves 15 million per year, of which more then 90% are foreigners.
It's nearly 2000 stalls in the market and full of the most characteristics goods, such as silk, pearls, porcelain, tea, crafts and other local foods representative with Beijing Roast Duck. Also it's the market with the highest density of and most fascinating traditional culture, the brands include Ruifuxiang, Wu Yutai, Tongrentang, Qianxiangyi, Shengxifu, Neiliansh time-honored store eng and others total 19 stores.
Hundreds of national political matters and their wives, and countless international stars in culture and sports patronize Silk Street frequently, which embodies its unique position as the China first foreign market.

Longfu Temple Folk Culture Street
Longfu Temple is located in North Dongsi Street to East Art Gallery Street, with 600 meters length. So far, it's more than 550 years of commercial history, hence full of the sense of history and calm public atmosphere, even revealing a little of historical sense in street's name.
From the middle of Ming dynasty, Longfu Temple fair was the hot place for “burning money” in Beijing. At the end of Qing dynasty, during the period of temple fair, many of persons came to participate, include the nobility resident in near palace, the foreigners of Daong Jiao Ming Xiang embassy, poor people and suburban farmers.
At present, the function of Longfu Temple fair reflects the folk, popular and fashion-oriented, the main consume groups are the ordinary people. The target customers shift to the social strata and form the operating features base in commodity and snacks. At there, you can buy a wide variety of local specialties, eat a variety of local snacks and enjoy the old Beijing folk opera.

Tongrentang is the famous time-honored drugstore in Beijing and famous in home and abroad by pills, powders, pastes and Dan. Chinese pharmacy store of Tongrentang is was renowned as China's four pharmacies together with Huqingtang in Hangzhou, Chenliji in Guangzhou and Yekaitai in Hankou. Its product quality is excellent, just like cure upon eat pharmacy and the magic hand that restores health. Beside of inherit and folk prescription, it occupies a lot of prescription which used for emperor family in Qing dynasty.


China Weather

China is vast in territory and the climate varies greatly from north to south. With high temperatures and rainy seasons, there is no winter in Leizhou Peninsula in southern China, Hainan Province, Taiwan Province and southern Yunnan. There are four distinct seasons in Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow River region. Northern areas such as Heilongjiang have a cold and snowy winter. The temperature changes significantly in vast north-west. It is cold in winter and hot in summer with very little precipitation, dry climate.

Although the weather different from geographical conditions and seasons, there are two main features for China climate.

1. Rainfall distribution is very uneven. Annual precipitation decreases from southeast to northwest over the difference of 40:1.

2. The wind in summer and winter changes obviously. The cold air comes from the high-latitude continental areas, mostly northerly wind, cold and dry. Summer winds are mainly from the sea, mostly southerly winds, warm and humid.

Chinese Kung Fu

Kung Fu, main content in technique combat, formed in routines and struggle and focus on the internal and external training, is the traditional Chinese sport. And it's a valuable cultural heritage accumulated in long term.
The History of Chinese Kung Fu
Kung Fu stems from the productive labor of ancestor. During the hunting pig activities, people accumulated the skills of chop and stab, w skills, which forms the basis of Kung Fu.
Kung Fu sprouted in the primitive society. At this time, the fighting in the frequent tribal wars promoted the seeds of Kung Fu.
Kung Fu was formed in the slave era. After establish of Xia dynasty, Kung Fu has the great development in practical use and standardized as the constant war. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Tai Chi theory founded, form laying a Chinese martial arts system.
Kung Fu developed in the period of feudal society. Qin and Han dynasties, wresting and fencing are popular. Tang dynasty, government implement the Martial system. Song and Yuan dynasties, the activities of private martial arts flourished. Ming and Qing dynasties are the great development period of Kung Fu, forming the major systems as Tai chi, Xing Yi Quan, Bagua Quan.
In modern times, Kung Fu has gradually become an integral part of modern sports. Chinese Kung Fu team went to the Berlin Olympics to participate in performances in 1936.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Kung Fu has been flourishing. In 1999, the international Wushu Federation was incorporated as the sports federation's member of Olympic Committee official, which means Kung Fu will become a Olympic sport soon.
The Characteristics of Chinese Kung Fu
1. As a sport, Kung Fu has the feature of offensive and defensive, also put the fighting skills in struggle and routine movement.
2. It purses of the integration of physical specification and the spirit of inside & outside unity.
The Role of Chinese Kung Fu
1. Improve quality, fitness and self-defense
2. Exercise perseverance, cultivate virtues
3. View competition, enhance live
4. Communicate skills, strengthen friendship


Crescent Moon Spring and the Echoing Sand Dune in Dunhuang

Crescent Moon Spring, an oasis in the Gobi Desert, lies 6 km south of Dunhuang and is located between two large sand dunes that make up the famous Echoing Sand Dune. The spring's crescent moon shape gives it its name, and the pool is able to withstand the extreme dryness of the Gobi, refusing to dry up.
The Echoing Sand Dunes are famous for the echoing sounds the wind makes when blowing over the dunes. The dunes are quite large, some reaching 100 meters or more, but are relatively stable and keep their shape despite the fact that the dunes around the Echoing Sand Dunes shift frequently.
Here you can enjoy not only the rare view where an oasis meets the desert, but also some fun sand adventure. Participate in activities such as camel riding and "dune surfing". For a dramatic view of the exotic Gobi and the Crescent Moon Spring, climb to the top of the dune!


Mogao Grottos in Dunhuang

The Mogao Grottos, also known as "The Thousand Buddha Cave", are noted as one of the most important cultural and historical sites in China, especially for the Buddhist art treasures that can be found inside. Located 15.5 miles southeast of Dunhuang City, the grottos are one mile in length and wind their way through the broken cliff at the eastern foot of Mingsba Hill. There are five layers of caves built into the mountain. According to historical records, the Mogao Grottos were constructed in 366 BC. Today there are 492 caves in which visitors can find well-preserved murals and sculptures that were made during the different dynasties throughout Chinese history. In 1989, the United Nations listed the Mogao Grottos as one of the specially protected cultural relics, and in 1991, they were added to the UNESCO world natural and cultural heritage list.
Inside the caves, visitors will discover thousands of square meters of frescos, created by layering cement and clay and then painting it. Each dynasty features different styles and themes, and although they typically feature Buddhist imagery, there is great deal of variety in the content. The Mogao Buddhist sculptures were typically constructed with terracotta and then covered with a carvable plaster surface that was painted after being carved. Cave number 17 is particularly famous for its Buddhist scriptures and artwork.

Recommand Tours:
3 Days Dunhuang Adventure Tour
2 Days Dunhuang Tour
1 Day Dunhuang Tour

Mountain Resort in Chengde

The Chengde Mountain Resort is a cool, scenic resort where the Qing royal court would migrate each May to spend the summer here and escape Beijing's summer heat. This massive, 18th-century estate is twice the size of the Summer Palace and eight times the size of Beihai Park. Situated in the basin to the north of Chengde City, 250 kilometers to the northeast of Beijing, this summer retreat provided the royal family with almost zen-like architectural simplicity. It is still the largest imperial garden existing in the world today. Qing emperors Kang Xi, Qian Long, and Jia Qing often spent several months a year here.
The palace in the resort's southe part was designed to resemble Beijing's Forbidden City. The construction began in 1703 and finished in 1792. The total area covers 5,640,000 sq. km and is surrounded by a 10 kilometer long palace wall. The area is divided into two parts: the palace quarter and the scenic quarter. It consists of over 120 groups of ancient architecture, (some of them bear the inscriptions of various Qing emperors) most of which cluster in the south part of the compound and are situated in nine successive courtyards extending from north to south. The majority of the scenic quarter has been taken over by lakes and hills. It was here that emperors would watch archery displays and indulge in hunting expeditions. With a little imagination, it is not hard to picture life at the mountain resort during its golden era.
In 1961 the resort was listed as a protected historical spot and designated in 1982 as an important scenic and historical site by the Chinese govement. In December 1994, the Chengde Mountain Resort and surrounding temples were listed in the Chronology of Recognition of World Heritage in China.

Recommand Tours:
2 Days Chengde-Bashang Grassland Tour
2 Days Chengde Tour
1 Day Chengde Tour
2 Days Trip in Chengde

Yingxian Wooden Pagoda

The Yingxian Wooden Pagoda, also known as the Sakyamuni Pagoda, is located in the Fogong Temple, which is situated in the southwest of Datong.
The pagoda that was built in Liao Dynasty in 1056 with a history of more than 900 years was the only large wooden pagoda in China and one of the tallest in the world among all ancient wooden buildings. And the pagoda was built on a stone platform with 67.31 meters in height, and the stylobate is about 4 meters in height. The diameter of the lowest story of the pagoda is the longest among ancient pagodas in the world with more than 30 meters.
It is the oldest and highest wooden building all over the world and it is higher than the White Pagoda in Beihai Park and the Big Wild Pagoda in Xi'an. From the outside, you can see the five level of the pagoda, and in fact it has nine different levels.
The pagoda has withstood many severe earthquakes over the years since it was built, yet the pagoda did not budge. So you need to see how strong it is when you come to Datong.


Hanging Temple in Datong

The Hanging Temple, the most famous spot of Hengshan, was located at the foot of Hengshan in Datong, close to the Yungang Grottos. The temple has a history of more than one thousand years. It is also one of the most famous temples in China and one of the most amazing ones to visit.
The Hanging Temple has about 40 pavilions. You can walk along the steep and stone path, and then walk into the temple to have a sightsee the smart and unique palace halls, next you will climb to the mountain waist of Cuipingshan by the plank road built along a cliff to have a look at the whole view of the Jinlong Lake. All in all, besides the enjoyment of the beautiful spots, you can also get more interesting of taking a risk.

More Information at: www.topchinatrip.com


Datong Nine Dragon Wall

The Nine Dragon wall, located in the Yang He Street of Datong, was built in 1771 of the Ming Dynasty. It was the glass screen wall facing the gate of a house that belongs to Zhugui, the 13th son of the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuan Zhang. However, it was originally a part of the gate to Prince Hongwu's Mansion. Till now, it has a history of more than 600 years.
The wall is about 45.5 meters in length, 8 meters in height, and 2.02 meters in thickness. And it was built 250 years earlier then the wall in Beijing, and the volume is three time of the wall in Beihai. In addition, it is the largest that exist today and the earliest wall built in China.
The Nine Dragon Wall was made of 426 pieces of glazed tiles which were made especially with many different colors. In the front of the wall, there are nine dragons reflected in the pond, and they are playing with pearls, and it is filled with much interesting.

Recommand Tours:
1 Day Datong Highlights Tour
2 Days Datong Tour
2 Days Datong-Mt. Wutai Tour


Yiwu, a middle sized city which located in the center of Zhejiang Province of the People's Republic of China and on the eastern part of the Jin Qu basin, covers an area of about 1,105 square kilometers. It has 6 towns and 7sub-districts with the total population of more than 2,000,000 people.
It was crowned as ''a sea of commodities and a paradise for shoppers''.
Yiwu market gathers about 320,000 varieties of goods of 1,502 categories from 34 trades with the market floor area of around 2.6 million square meters
The climate of Yiwu is moderate with abundant rainfalls. And the average temperature is around 17℃, the average annual rainfall is between 1100 mm and 1600 mm.
Yiwu has been known as ''the home of culture''. A lot of celebrities of poets and scholars were born there, for example, Luo Bingwang, one of four outstanding litterateurs at the beginning of Tang Dynasty, Zongze, the anti-Jin general of Song Dynasty, and the educationist Chen Wangdao and historian Wu Han in modern times.
In addition, there are many famous and important scenic spots for you to visit, such as Hengdian Movie and Television city ,Xiu Lake, Yangdang Mountain, Songpushan Waterfalls, the Shuanglin buddhist temple (Shuanglinsi), situated on the Yunhuangshan mountain, and so on.

Recommand Tours:
1 Day Yiwu Tour
2 Days Yiwu Tour

Old & Water Town--Xitang

Xitang is level, densely distributed with rivers and has a very quiet natural environment.9 rivers converge in this town, dividing it into 8 sections, but many bridges link this water town together(anciently called as 'nine dragon old pearl'and'wind from 8 sides').Inside the town, there are many well-preserved architectural groups constructed during the Ming and Qing dynasties, which boast a higher artistry and study value, thus being highlighted by the experts at home and abroad studying antique buildings. Through a bird's-eye view of the whole town, green waves ripple everywhere and every family resides near water. In the morning, water flows beneath bridges, thin mist is like silk, pinkish walls on both banks stand tall and erect and tiled houses are reflected inversely in the water. In the evening, the setting sun shines slantwise; songs come from fishing boats, lamps flicker and the fragrance of wine drifts. The whole old town is like a poem and a picture. In this town, people will feel that they are seemingly in an earthly paradise. It is hard to know that people exist in the picture or picture exists in the heart of people.


Old & Water Town--Wuzhen

Wuzhen, a famous old and water town well known as the “Rice and Fish Town”, and the “Silk Town”, is located in the north of Tongxiang City of Zhejiang Province in China. Besides, it is also situated at the center of the triangle formed by Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing. The town lies at the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Alluvial Plain, and there are interlaced rivers without any hills.
Wuzhen covers an area of 71.19 sq .km and has a total population of 60.000 and permanent residents of 12.000. It was divided into four zones by the cross-shaped river, and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal running across the town had made it the only ancient water town adjacent to the canal. In addition, because of the warm and humid climate, and abundant rainfalls and sunshine, the products there are rich.

Skiing in Beijing

Most of the ski resorts in Beijing would operate between the end of November and mid-February of the following year. However, because of their business plan and also the weather, they have their own opening schedule. You need to contact the resorts for the most up-to-date ski information.
There are often private shops rent ski clothes and equipment on the way at the major ski resorts. They usually ask for cheaper rates than that located inside the resort.
Most of them only provide basic accommodation except for some top ski resorts like Nanshan Ski Village, which offers nice lodges. In addition, if you're planning an overnight stay, you can find the better places available near the ski resorts instead of in the resorts.
You should pack a snack. Skiing and snowboarding can be exhausting, and the low temperature speeds the loss of body heat. So you need to prepare some nutrition bars for an energy boost on the slope.


Old & WaterTown--Lijiang

Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the northwest Yunnan plateau neighboring the southeast side of the Tibetan plateau which is considered to be the 'roof of the world'. It is impressive because of its scenery and lush vegetation. The old town of Lijiang differs from other ancient Chinese cities in architecture, history and culture. Lijiang old town (including Dayan, Baisha and Shuhe) was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in December 4, 1997.
The old town has become a mecca for domestic tourism, drawing many large groups of Chinese tourist. With its functioning canals lining narrow winding alleyways and ancient Chinese architecture, Lijiang retains much of its charm and is one of the more impressive stops in the region. The dominant local ethnic minority in Lijiang is the Naxi, with many Yi and Bai in the area. The Naxi are a matriarchal society and are the subject of much interest among Chinese and foreign tourists. The Naxi are matriarchal insomuch as property is traditionally inherited down the female line, and men move into the wife's family home after marriage.


Old & Water Town--Hongcun

Hongcun is located at the southwestern foot of the Yellow Mountain and 11 kilometers away from Yi County, is a peculiar ox-shaped ancient village in the peach blossom valley of the ancient Yi County. Lying in the Thunder Hillock and facing the Southern Lake, it covers 30 hectares, and enjoys the good name of 'Chinese village in picture' because of the beautiful mountain and water. The mountain is grassy because of the water, and the water is lively because of the mountain. In the shaoxing Period of the Southern Song Dynasty, people in Hongcun took the initiative in applying bionics by creating the unique artificial water system for firefighting and irrigation. They did everything according to the shape of the ox the winding dam is the 'intestine' of the ox; the 'Moon Pond' dug beside the mouth of the spring is its 'stomach'; the 'Southern Lake' is its 'belly'; the villagers lived in both sides of the 'intestine' are its 'body'. The sceneries of the mountain and the lake are in perfect harmony with layers of houses; the natural scenes and cultural implications reflect upon each other, -- the very uniqueness of the residence design in Hongcun, which distinguishes it from that of any other areas, and makes it as one of the wonders of the current World Historical and Cultural Heritage.

Yabuli International Ski Resort

Yabuli Ski Resort, located 193 km outside of Harbin, was originally the royal hunting ground during the Manchurian Qing Dynasty. The resort covers an area of about 23 square km and is China's largest ski resort with the best facilities. Its highest point is 1374.8 meters with an average temperature of 10 degree. The lowest temperature was -44 degree.The best time to come here for skiing is from middle of November until the end of March.Yabuli has a number of great downhill paths and country trails with difficulty ranging from beginners to highly challenging, which are comparable to the ones in North America and Switzerland. In addition, the resort is planning to build more and better paths. In 1996, the resort was chosen to host the 3rd Asian Winter Games, which was a great success.
The resort is not only know for its skiing but also for its scenic beauty. It is surrounded by large mountain ranges thickly covered with pine forests. Additionally, the resort was granted National Park status in 1993 because of its rich wildlife.

Recommand Tours:
2 Days Ski Resort Tour
6 Days Skiing Tour


Mt. Huangshan

Mount Huangshan, literally translated as Yellow Mountain, located in the southeast of Anhui Province, one of the China’s most luring tourist attractions. Huangshan City is at the foot of the Mount Huangshan, also include the suburb Xidi and Hongcun Village.
Among many peaks, the three widely know are The Lotus Peak, The Brilliant Top Mountain, and The Celestial Capital. Besides these three peaks, Hot Spring, Jade Screen Tower, Xihai, Beihai, Yungu Temple and Songgu Nunnery are also the must-see. Huangshan is not only a famous tourist destination, but also a big nature treasure. Here, you will find the rare century-old pines, firs, orchids and more than 300 types of medicinal herbs. It has to say that Huangshan Maofeng, a kind of green tea, only grow in this area and well know in the world with high qualities.
The climate of Mt. Huang is mild and humid, with the comfortable temperature during four seasons. Spring all the mountains are decorated by the blooming flowers, Summer the wildlife of the mountains are appeared frequently, autumn the red and purple maple lied in the surface, winter the great ''fog sea'' and ''Snow Mountain'' will come into your eyes. And now all of the facilities are ready including: three cable lines, four three-star hotels on the peak, and all the paths paved with flat stones. So in any time, visiting the Huangshan will see the different sides of the mountain with ease.

Recommand Tours:
2 Days Huangshan - Hangzhou Tour
3 Days Classic Huangshan Mountain Tour

Water Town Tongli

Tongli is another famous ancient water town. The surface of the town is in the shape of a rough circle, surrounded by the inner, middle and outer rivers. To the north of the town is Jiuli Lake, to the east is Tongli Lake, to the south is Nanxing Lake, and to the west is Pangshan Lake. The town is in the shape of a circle, and is surrounded by rivers.
Tongli is divided into seven pieces of land, with the water area occupying one-fifth of the town's total area. The layout of the town and the residences that are situated along both banks retain traditional characteristics. The ancient and historical buildings of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) and Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD) found in Tongli account for almost 40% of all buildings in the town. Many of them are large residences, and the largest has 9 rows of houses. Famous historic sites include the 'two halls and three bridges'. Jiayin Hall was built in the traditional style even though it was built in the 1910's. It was where the well-known scholar Liu Yazi lived in his early years. The other is Jiaben Hall, built in the late Qing Dynasty. Both halls have four rows and three bays, and on the beams are fine carvings. Three ancient bridges, named 'Peace', 'Luck' and 'Glory', stretch over a winding river near the two halls.

Recommand Tour:
1 Day Suzhou - Tongli Tour


Potala Palace

The palace that we see today had finally been completed in 1645. Over the past three centuries, the palace gradually became a place where the Dalai Lama lived and worked and a place for keeping the remains of successive Dalai Lama. Potala Palace was begun in 641, by Songtsan Gambo, ruler of Tibet's Tubo Kingdom, who had the palace built for his fiance, Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty. This structure was later burned to the ground during a war and was rebuilt in the 17th century by the Fifth Dalai Lama.
Potala Palace is made of stone and wood and consists of the White Palace and Red Palace. The White Palace, made up of halls, temples, and courtyards, served as the living quarters of the Dalai Lama. The Red Palace includes various chambers for worshipping Buddha and chambers housing the eight stupa that contain the remains of fifth through thirteenth Dalai Lama. All the stupas are covered with gold foil. The most magnificent stupa belongs to the fifth Dalai Lama, which measures 14.85 meters tall. It is inlaid with pearl and jade. Also on exhibit are a large number of sculptures, murals, scripture and other valuable cultural relics.
Potala Palace is located on the Red Hill in Lhasa, Tibet, and is 3,700 meters above sea level and covers an area of over 360,000 square meters, measuring 360 meters from east to west and 270 meters from south to north. The palace has 13 stories, and is 117 meters high. In 1994, the palace joined the list of world cultural heritage sites.

Recommand Tours:
3 Days Lhasa Tour
2 Days Lhasa - Mt. Everest Tour
4 Days Lhasa Holy Tour

Binhai Road in Dalian

Binhai Road starts from the Haizhiyun Square in the east and ends at Xinghai Square in the west.It was a combat readiness road built in the 1970'. And in the beginning of the 1980', Deng Xiaoping came to Dalian and he suggested the road should be open for all the people, so the road became a scenic spot from that time.This road stretches along the coastline of Dalian for more than 40 kilometers, and run through 12 main scenic spots, which are worth seeing. The section from the Tiger Beach Park to the Bojiazhuang Park is the most famous and visited by more people of the road. Driving along the road also offers spectacular views at different points. People can see steep cliffs, a variety of plants and trees and also the ocean and beaches, and can also enjoy themselves by the fresh air.

Recommand Tours:
1 Day Dalian Tour
2 Days Dalian Tour
3 Days Dalian Tour