
Chongqing City And Nature Tour

Chongqing is famous as a historical city, hot pots and as one of the 4 "furnace cities" in China because of the high summer temperature. Besides all these, it also has plenty of natural landscape to offer. Our guide picked up us from the airport upon our arrival. And we were driven to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Dazu Grottoes to see the Buddhism theme stone carvings. We also visited Ciqikuo - a 1000 years old town. It used to be an important commercial centre. Today, it is one of tour attractions in Chongqing with shops catering to tourist. On the second day, we began our China tour to visit UNESCO World Heritage sites Furong Cave and the natural bridges rock forms in Wulong. Furong Cave is the only cave in China listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is one of the 3 "Greatest Cave in the World". The tour package came with an additional grassland visit. We were surprise to know that there is grassland in Chongqing. The journey to Wulong took 4 hours. The tour bus travelled along Wujiang and the gorge scenery was beautiful. The Furong cave was a 1 hour exercise climbing up and down the steps inside the cave. It was beautiful but tiring. The natural bridges rock forms was huge. We had to take a lift down to the bottom to start the 1 hour walk back to the top. The 2nd day grassland visit was much more relaxing. The 4th day was spent in the city visiting the Hongyadong and the Chaotianmeng harbor. The habour is where Jialing River and Yangtze River meets. It is this strategic location that made Chongqing an important city since ancient times. We also visited the Chongqing People’s Assembly Hall. From far, it resembles the Temple of Haven in Beijing. Chongqing is a hilly place and the buildings are built along the hills. Hongyadong was a good example where the building has 2 first floors. Then we will take a Yangtze River Cruise to Yichang, and visit Shanghai World Expo.

